Cape white-eye(Zosterops virens)-케이프 동박새


대만 여행중 대만대학 교정에 대만 벚꽃나무 꽃이 활작피어 있는데 이름을 알 수 없는 작은 새가 나무가지에 꺼꾸로 매달려 꽃속의 꿀을 

먹는듯이 보여 몇컷을 잡아 보았다.  







참새목 케이프 동박새과의 조류.

This species is about 12 cm long with rounded wings, strong legs, and a conspicuous ring of white feathers round the eyes. The upperparts are green, and the throat and vent are bright yellow. The members of the Z. v. capensis has a grey breast and belly, whereas Z. v. virens has a greenish-yellow breast and belly.

They are very vocal, and constantly keep in touch with soft trilled pee, pree or pirreee callnotes. The song consists of repeated long jerky phrases of sweet reedy notes, varying in pitch, volume and temp, usually starting off with teee teee or pirrup pirrup notes, then becoming a fast rambled jumble of notes, which may incorporate mimicked phrases of other birdcalls. <Wikipedia>

대만 타이베이 (2009.2.9)

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