트리쵸스(Aeschynanthus radicans)-제스네리아과


창고에 보관중 이름을 찾아 주게되었다.


영명은 Lipstick plant 라 한다. 자바 원산으로 줄기는 털이 없으며 자갈색으로 길게 자라고 분지

가 잘된다. 잎은 두텁고 잎가에 붉은 색을 띤다. 잎에는 짧은 털이 나 있으며 줄기 선단 부근에서

암자색의 아름다운 꽃이 핀다.


Aeschynanthus is a large genus of Old World tropical herbs . In many respects, they are analogous to the genus Columnea in Central and South America -- both are most often trailing epiphytes with fairly large and showy flowers which are frequently bird pollinated. The appearance of the various Aeschynanthus species varies widely. The original 'Lipstick Plant' has hard-surfaced shiny leaves, with bright red flowers that emerge from a very dark red tubular calyx, in a fashion reminiscent of lipstick emerging from a tube.

It is an epiphyte that grows in the angles of branches in the rain forest. As with all epiphytes, the lipstick plant does not live as a parasite on the tree, but takes its nourishment from fallen leaves and twigs that accumulate in the crevices of branches. Needs plenty of light, but not direct sunlight. They thrive in summer heat, but winter temperatures should not drop below 60 degrees. Water and fertilize the plant often during the growing season and mist it regularly. It can tolerate slight drying-out in between waterings. Water sparingly during the winter rest period.


제주 방림원에서 (2006.9.29)

'植物園. 樹木園, 花木園, 花園' 카테고리의 다른 글

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