좀백당나무(Viburnum sieboldii)-인동과
Viburnum sieboldii, commonly called Siebold viburnum, is an upright, rounded, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub or small tree that typically grows to 15-20’ tall and to 10-15' wide. It is native to Japan. Opposite, toothed, elliptic to oblong, medium to dark green leaves (to 3” long) usually develop no appreciable fall color. White flowers in flat-topped cymes (to 3-4” across) bloom in mid to late spring, with each cyme containing small sterile flowers edged with larger white fertile flowers. Both the flowers and bruised leaves emit unpleasant aromas. Flowers give way to spherical, scarlet, berry-like drupes (to 1/2”) on showy red fruiting stems. Drupes gradually ripen to black over the period of August to October, and persist on the shrub into winter.
Genus name comes from the Latin name of a species plant. <Missouri Botanical Garden>
참고자료 : http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=e361